Embassy Of India

217, Chaussee de Vleurgat
1050 Brussels
+32 (0)2 6409140
+32 (0)2 6451850
+32 (0)2 6489638(Chancery)
+32 (0)2 6451869(Consular wing)

Web Site:

Emergency Helpline Nos. for Consular Assistance (outside office hours):

Address : 217, Chaussee de Vleurgat
1050 Brussels
+32 (0)2 6409140
+32 (0)2 6451850
+32 (0)2 6489638(Chancery)
+32 (0)2 6451869(Consular wing)

Mr. Kapil Basu, Assistant Consular Officer, Mobile 0032-476748575
(For Indian passports & other miscellaneous consular services)
Mr Krishna Kumar Chaubey, Assistant Consular Officer, Mobile 0032-477 77 29 49
(For Visa & OCI services)

9.00 AM to 5.45 PM from Monday to Friday
1.00 PM to 1.45 PM Lunch

Visa, Passports & Other Services (Monday to Friday except Holidays)
Receipt of Applications: 10.00 AM to 12.30 PM
Delivery of documents: 4.00 PM to 4.45 PM
All queries pertaining to passports and miscellaneous consular matters may be
sent to cons.brussels@mea.gov.in
All queries pertaining to Visa and OCI services may be sent to cons2.brussels@mea.gov.in
Telephonic queries can be made between 1000 hrs and 1200 hrs: -
For Passport and Consular Matters: 02-6451865/02-6409140/02-6451850 Extn: 123/224
For Visa and OCI Services: 02-6451866/02-6409140/02-6451850 Extn: 129/163


The Embassy is located in the Ixelles commune (code 1050) and is close to Avenue Louise.
The Embassy can be reached from the airport by taxi or by tram and metro.

Bus Stop: Van Eyck [Bus No. 38 from Héros / Heldenor from Gare Centrale/Brussel Centraal (Central Train Station, Brussels)
Tram Stop: Bascule [Tram No. 7  from Vanderkindereto Heizel.
The Embassy is about 5 minutes walk from Vleurgat]

Officer in-charge of website:
Mr. Venkateswaran Narayanan
Counsellor (Press, Information and Culture)
E-mail: fspic.brussels@mea.gov.in